MMA Markings for Playgrounds in Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale

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Playgrounds in Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale rely on having safe, durable and reliable for coatings and markings to keep children safe. MMA (methyl methacrylate) has become a very common option, boasting an extremely durable design and a range of different ways to handle the material installation quickly.

We can provide a huge range of MMA paint and line systems, allowing us to create very effective playground markings that can serve a range of useful functions.


How much is MMA coating and line marking for Playgrounds?

The cost of MMA coatings and markings in Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale can range anywhere from £3 to £15 per square meter, based on the kind of playground markings you are looking for.

Cost is one of the big sticking points of an MMA paint system, since the cost can vary depending based on factors like:

  • The size of the playground (or the area you want markings in).

  • The kinds of marking and coatings you are looking for.

  • The designs you are trying to get.

  • The surface type you are working with.

  • Any unique or bespoke elements involved.

Benefits of an MMA Playground Markings Paint System

An MMA coating can be an incredibly useful and versatile tool, especially if installed by experts with an extensive knowledge of the material (such as us). Using MMA over normal thermoplastic markings can provide benefits like:

Improved Safety

Unlike normal thermoplastic markings in Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale, MMA can offer more reflectivity as well as better line marking potential overall.

As playground markings, MMA can be very reliable, offering a non-toxic alternative to paint that can be applied in almost any layout.

This makes it easier to mark out high-traffic areas and boundaries on surfaces such as concrete, as well as defining walkways and play spaces throughout a larger site.

Better Durability

MMA in Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale is highly durable. When used as a road surface, it can handle heavy traffic on the said road surface, retaining its colour and grip potential.

From car parks and block paving to a simple playground surface, MMA can be suitable covering solutions for a variety of sports spaces and play areas within a school site.

MMA can also stand constant wear and tear throughout multiple different climates and weather conditions, allowing schools to keep their playground line marking designs for much longer when compared to regular paint.


Fast-Drying Surfaces

The fast-drying nature of MMA in Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale makes it far better than paint. A paint line marking may take hours to dry, meaning that a sports or play space may have wet paint still in it. A paint line can also chip easily, and paint line marking installation is messy.

MMA is less messy than paint, allows for a better line quality than paint, can handle surfaces like tarmac better than paints, and will dry far faster. This makes replacing the MMA markings during down time a lot more practical and less disruptive.

Mixed Functions

MMA coatings can be very versatile, working well as markings for a huge range of purposes. The general benefits of MMA make it suitable for nearly any situation if installed correctly.

A specific MMA mixture can be used as paints for a Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale playground adventure space, with the same mixture then being used to paint lines for car parks, loading bays, or any other space where you want to paint a new line system.

Varied Bespoke Options

We can help our clients find the ideal bespoke options for their needs, whether that means specific colours (or multiple colours) alongside fun designs, sports markings, or anything else they are looking for.

No two projects are identical. Two tarmac spaces may require completely different line paint colours, or you may want to mark out sports areas out differently for specific sports games.

Lower Costs

MMA can be a much cheaper alternative to other paints in Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale. Since it wears out very slowly, you do not need to replace the lines as often, which can make a high-wear area like a sports space far cheaper in the long term.

If you create an entire line structure for a tarmac sports field in a playground, then that sports field can endure years of constant use, whereas paint may need to be replaced on a yearly basis.

Most Popular MMA Playground Colours

These playground surfaces and coatings can come in a variety of colours, with our experts helping you find the right blends and tones for your needs. In general, you can expect a long list of colour options in most playgrounds, including yellows, reds, blues, greens, and many other vibrant tones.

Types of Playground Coatings Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale

We can offer a wide variety of options for your playground space, from bespoke custom coatings to standard and straightforward line options.

Contact us to learn more about the specifics of what we can provide, since there are a lot of options to consider when it to comes to playground markings.

How long Does MMA coatings to Playgrounds Last?

Most of our coatings can last up to around 20 years if maintained properly. This can vary based on a variety of different factors, such as how well that particular coating will stand up to heavy use in high-traffic areas, but proper maintenance makes the biggest difference.


If you want to know more about what we can provide, then get in touch with (or send an enquiry) to our support team. Playground markings can be a fun addition to any play space in Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale and provide a lot of value when it comes to students actually using the outdoor space.

We can help clients find the specific kind of coating they need to finish their outdoor playground space, even if that means looking into highly specific marking choices or systems.


We cover Roxburgh, Ettrick and Lauderdale

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